Tuesday, July 6, 2010

We have to do what?!

Wow, what a day.

I can honestly say that I never expected life on the farm to be this intense. Wake up call was at 6:30 this morning so that we would be up at 7 in time for devotional witht the rest of the people here. Well after staying up a little later then is to be expected, and sleeping outside we were all still asleep when 6:30 rolled around. Finally out of bed and eating breakfast at 7:20, we listen to the devo from Lucas and soon set about our chores for the day.

Chore #1: move the chicken coupes. We walked to the area where the chickens are and set about rearranging the fencing to give them a fresh grazing area and move the coupes while feeding and watering the chickens.

Chore #2: Picking Basil to sell. We all gathered in the garden to collect basil to be sold in the little market here on the farm.

Chore #3: more harvesting and cooking. Our group split for the next few chores so I'll talk more about what I was involved in. Cooking Lunch! We made spaghetti and humus with homemade bread. It was all so delish.

After lunch we were given the task of collecting and washing eggs. Which was easy enough. The next one took us four hours.


The explanation for dinner was simple; you have everything you need here on the farm, so get to collecting and cooking. easier said than done. Collecting the veggies was easy, and even catching the fast rooster was easy enough. Killing and skinning was a totally different story. I wont get into all the details but it was definitely an experience even for me, and I've skinned a lot of animals being a bio minor.

Needless to say dinner was an adevnture itself...if only it didn't taste so....shall i say, like dying chicken.

Anyways all in all the day was a success and we learned a lot. I've been given a lot to ponder so these next few posts may get interesting.

ps. the photos are funky cuz this site wont let me arrange them all pretty like

Dani :-)

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